
We make sure during our projects, that the site administrators, content managers, or editors get proper training about what can they do within the site. We go through their permissions and access to various parts of the website, so they can manage as much on their own, as possible.

Based on the user roles, we distinguish our training in different depths:

  • Site administrators: they usually have access to most of the features, they can create menus, landing pages, even new blocks on the site.
  • Content managers: they have full access to the content and users, so they have the right to create or edit new user-profiles and administer the dynamic content on the website.
  • Editors: mostly common for news portals. These users have full access to content creation and edition. They can create new keywords, categories, set hierarchies, etc.
  • Contributors: usually have limited access to the site, their content goes through a workflow validation process, which means a supervisor has to confirm their content before it gets published.

In-person trainings

When the circumstances allow us, we do face-to-face training, however, with our international clientele that's often not an option. In this case, we carry out online training workshops: we ask the attendees to prepare their laptops so they can follow the steps the trainee makes. We do this training based on the user's role and their experience in IT.


For the commonly used features, we create tutorial videos, so anyone from the client's side can check them in need of guidance. These help the newly joined coworkers as well in the catch-up phase. 

User manuals

We can also create a user manual, which is a step-by-step written guide book. The manuals are written on the role-level, so at the end of the project the client has several guide books for their users.

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