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Riley Cunningham |

Dyslexia Mode: an effective accessibility improvement

Dyslexia, a lifelong disorder, makes reading/spelling a challenge for about 10% of the population (according to The British Dyslexia Association (BDA)). The disorder impacts accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.

Riley Cunningham |


Back in 2019, one of our digital partners, SwissTomato, brought us a new and exciting opportunity. We were challenged with implementing a new notification system for the website of GLAD network ( The GLAD Network (The Global Action on Disability Network) coordinates with bi- and multilateral donors for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action and international development.

Peter Pónya |

We’re packed with innovations and new technologies for 2020

The year 2019 went pretty well in BRAINSUM. We’ve worked a lot, and learned a lot. We've now gained expertise using innovative technologies offering lots of business potential for our clients.
In this post I’d like to briefly introduce how can we bring even more value to our Clients in 2020 with PWA, SPA, Accessibility, REMP, Integrations and Open Source.