
Website for the word leader of biosolutions

The company's focus is the research, development and production of industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients.


Taking over a project stuck in discovery phase with a hard deadline to replace a legacy Sitecore website being decommissioned in 5 months.

Solution & Result

Strict project scope control, highly skilled team, excellent collaboration with the client teams, agile delivery.

sitecore replaced by drupal

Website delivered in less than 5 months


increase in traffic


increase in engagement


higher form submission rate


What our customers are saying


“BRAINSUM delivered the site on time and within budget, thanks to their dedication and strong understanding of the client's goals and business needs.
The pragmatic, solution-oriented team communicated clearly and was flexible and accommodating throughout. 
They impressed with their can-do attitude.”

Nikolaj Heger

Brand Product Manager

Feedback from the client



What were the measurable outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

  • Delivered on time and within budget
  • Always met and exceeded sprint goals
  • Proactive, solution-driven
  • Professional team

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

One of the things that impressed me the most was their can-do attitude. It's not an easy task we've faced them with, and definitely in a complex and vast industry. All these considered, they really took on the challenge and turned it into an opportunity - to understand more about what is important and what brings value to us, to deliver in an efficient manner, and to stick to our commitments.

Read the whole review on Clutch.

Read a technical deep-dive in our blog post about the Decoupled Architecture with Next.js and Drupal 

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