We are back from our summer journeys and working harder, faster and with more energy than ever before. The Brainsum team spent a really great time together in Keszthely.
We were the main sponsor of Drupalaton International Conference: 4 days, 113 people from 14 countries around the world.
Read more about our experiences.
On the first day we held two presentations: Márk was comparing the form validation with Drupal 7, 8 and Symfony 2. Gergő was talking about how Drupal 8 has changed the way we template our sites, and what it's like to develop in the new system.
The best cruise party ever :)
We've learnt a lot, mainly about Drupal 8 and it’s specifications, but that long weekend wasn’t only about technical issues. Our Cruise Party was the highlight of the conference. We were sailing for two hours and the dinner was served on the ship as well. Great dishes were waiting for the hungry developers, such as beef stew, lasagne bolognaise, vegetarian risotto, Hortobágyi pancakes, strudel, fruits and of course a mountain of piled-high free beers.
We lived through the Saturday night fever at the Grill Party, which was awesome as well. Smoky chicken breasts and vegetables - yummie! We really enjoyed it. Between two presentations we found some extra time to bathe in Balaton, not to mention the night swimming - just like in our childhood. :P
You have no idea what you missed if you weren’t there; but trust me, Brainsum was absolutely riled up by the Drupalatunning.
See you next year, guys. :)